一、 主题:Supporters or Hinderances? Intergenerational Coresidence and Household Finance under Patriarchy
二、 汇报人:黄河 2022级金融学硕士研究生
三、 时间地点:2024年11月22日19:20-21:00,沙河校区主教102
四、 报告简介:皇冠足球比分硕士研究生黄河与合肥工业大学经济学院谭睿鹏教授、北京科技大学经济管理学院杨志明副教授合作的论文《Supporters or Hinderances? Intergenerational Coresidence and Household Finance under Patriarchy》经过评审应邀参加“第二十一届中国金融学年会”。黄河同学将在校内就该参会论文做出学术报告。
五、 报告摘要:This paper explores the impact of intergenerational coresidence on household finance within patriarchal societies. Using data from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), the study reveals that coresiding parents significantly enhance the likelihood of their child becoming the household head, which in turn positively influences financial market participation, asset diversification, and asset returns. The benefits of intergenerational coresidence are more substantial in highly egalitarian communities, where parents' financial support and weaker adherence to traditional gender norms play crucial roles. Furthermore, the study finds that a negative shock to gender equality can modify the influence of intergenerational coresidence, underscoring the complex interplay between family dynamics and household financial behavior. These findings provide valuable insights into how family structures and social norms shape economic outcomes, offering implications for policies aimed at improving financial stability and well-being across generations.
六、 参加会议简介:2024年11月8日至11月10日,第二十一届中国金融学年会在华南理工大学举办。本年会由华南理工大学和中国金融学年会理事会主办,华南理工大学经济与皇冠足球比分承办。会议聚焦于大力做好科技金融、绿色金融、普惠金融、养老金融、数字金融五篇大文章的重大问题,以加速提升金融服务实体经济质效,为发展新质生产力注入金融动能为会议主题,大力推动金融高质量发展,服务金融强国建设。
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