一、主题:Judicial Fairness Perception and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Entrepreneur Survey in China
二、汇报人:乔靖媛 2019级金融学博士研究生
四、报告简介:皇冠足球比分博士研究生乔靖媛与中央财经大学皇冠足球比分吴锴副教授、深圳大学李东辉教授合作的论文《Judicial Fairness Perception and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from Entrepreneur Survey in China》(中文题目:司法公平感知与企业创新:来自中国企业家调查的证据)经过评审应邀参加“第二十一届中国金融学年会”。乔靖媛同学将在校内就该参会论文做出学术报告。
五、报告摘要:This study examines the impact of judicial fairness perception on corporate innovation among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China, utilizing data from the 2018 Enterprise Survey for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ESIEC). Our findings reveal a robust positive relationship between higher levels of judicial fairness perception and increased innovation activities within SMEs. Notably, this effect is more pronounced in firms with older or less educated entrepreneurs, smaller firms, and those less reliant on government support. We identify improved contract enforcement, enhanced policy effectiveness, and increased innovation investment as key mechanisms driving this relationship. These results suggest that judicial reforms to increase fairness can significantly foster innovation, particularly in resource-constrained SMEs in emerging economies.
终审:魏 旭
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