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Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 48, September 2018, Pages 321-340
作者:Chen-Lung Chin (National Chengchi University)
Mei-Hui Chen (National Defense University)
Po-Hsiang Yu (National Chengchi University)
Does meeting analysts’ forecasts matter in the private loan market?
Chen-Lung Chin (National Chengchi University),Mei-Hui Chen (National Defense University),Po-Hsiang Yu (National Chengchi University)
Prior studies find that firms meeting or beating analysts’ earnings expectations (MBE) have higher equity valuation and lower bond yield spread. In contract to those studies which focus on public financial markets, this paper explores a firm’s MBE effect on its private loan terms, including price and non-price terms. We find that, despite the fact that banks possess superior information access and processing abilities that reduce information asymmetry costs for borrowers, they still impose more favorable price (i.e., lower loan spread) and non-price (longer loan maturity) terms for firms meeting expectations than for firms missing expectations. In addition, we find that the benefits of meeting expectations (i.e. lower loan spread and longer maturity) are more pronounced for financially distressed firms (habitual beaters) than financially sound firms (sporadic beaters). Further analyses document whether and how prospect theory can be used to explain differential loan terms.
Keywords: Meeting analysts’ earnings expectations; Loan market; Loan spread; Loan maturity
上一条:【JCF】私募股权的分拆收购交易与资产出售市场 下一条:【JBF】政治影响力和财政灵活性:来自中国的证据