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Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 48, September 2018, Pages 19-35
作者:Georgios Sermpinis (University of Glasgow)
Serafeim Tsoukas (University of Glasgow)
Ping Zhang (University of Glasgow)
Modelling market implied ratings using LASSO variable selection techniques
Georgios Sermpinis (University of Glasgow), Serafeim Tsoukas (University of Glasgow),Ping Zhang (University of Glasgow)
Making accurate predictions of corporate credit ratings is a crucial issue to both investors and rating agencies. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of market implied credit ratings in relation to financial factors, market-driven indicators and macroeconomic predictors. Applying a variable selection technique, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), we document substantial predictive ability. In addition, when we compare our LASSO-selected models with the benchmark ordered probit model, we find that the former models have superior predictive power and outperform the latter model in all out-of-sample predictions.
Keywords: Market implied ratings; LASSO; Financial ratios; Forecasting
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