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Journal of Financial Markets, September 2018
作者:Sanders S.Chang (University of Dayton)
F.Albert Wang (University of Dayton)
Informed contrarian trades and stock returns
Sanders S. Chang (University of Dayton);F. Albert Wang (University of Dayton)
We develop a novel measure for the probability of informed trading. This measure, termed PCM, captures the adverse selection component of bid-ask spreads, becomes elevated around earnings announcements, and exhibits similar time-series patterns to price impact. Returns in double-sorted portfolios increase in PCM while controlling for liquidity. A long-short portfolio based on PCM generates 18.3% abnormal return annually. PCM significantly explains cross-sectional returns while controlling for other factors. This effect is robust to alternative specifications and remains significant after the decimalization in 2001. In sum, PCM is easy to implement and serves as an effective proxy for informed trading.
Keywords: Information asymmetry;Contrarian trading;Stock returns
上一条:【JBF】竞争对手的竞争活动、资本约束和企业增长 下一条:【CFR】非流动性与股票收益:横截面和时间序列效应:复制