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The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue 9, September 2018
作者:Yihui Pan (University of Utah)
Tracy Wang (University of Minnesota)
Michael Weisbach (Ohio State University and NBER)
How Management Risk Affects Corporate Debt
Yihui Pan (University of Utah), Tracy Wang (University of Minnesota), Michael Weisbach (Ohio State University and NBER)
We evaluate whether management risk, which arises from investors’ uncertainty about management’s added value, affects firms’ default risks and debt pricing. We find that, regardless of the reason for the turnover, CDS, loan, and bond yield spreads increase at the time of management turnover, when management risk is highest, and decline over the first three years of the new CEO’s tenure. The effects increase with prior investor uncertainty about the new management. These results are consistent with the view that management risk affects firms’ default risk. An understanding of management risk yields a number of implications for corporate finance.
上一条:【PBFJ】亚洲和拉美股市的制度依赖羊群行为 下一条:【JAR】管理层薪酬与股票价格操纵