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Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2018, Pages 36–76
作者:David A Chapman (University of Virginia, USA),
Michael F Gallmeyer (University of Virginia, USA),
J Spencer Martin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Aggregate Tail Risk and Expected Returns
David A Chapman (University of Virginia, USA), Michael F Gallmeyer (University of Virginia, USA), J Spencer Martin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Do stocks bear a crash risk premium? We examine the empirical performance of the tail index measure from Kelly and Jiang (2014). We find that the tail index explains the cross-section of the discount rate component of returns, but not the cash-flow component. Moreover, in the time series the tail index is uncorrelated with theoretically motivated measures of aggregate uncertainty and systemic risk. In contrast, the tail index Granger causes and is Granger caused by the level of the term structure, and the slope of the term structure Granger causes tail risk.
上一条:【PBFJ】高管权力与股票价格效率:来自中国的证据 下一条:【JFQA】对冲基金董事会和独立董事市场