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The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue 9, September 2018
作者:Anna Cieslak (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and CEPR)
Short-Rate Expectations and Unexpected Returns in Treasury Bonds
Anna Cieslak (Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and CEPR)
I document large and persistent errors in investors’ expectations about the short-term interest rate over the business cycle. The largest errors arise in economic downturns and during Fed easings when investors overestimate future short rates and, thus, underestimate future bond returns. At a one-year horizon, errors about the path of the real rate (as opposed to inflation) account for 80% of short-rate forecast error variance, with more than half of that number attributed to the Fed easing more aggressively than the public expected. Short-rate forecast errors induce ex post predictability of excess returns on Treasury bonds that is not due to time-varying risk premium.