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The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue 10, 1 October 2018, Pages 3895–3936
作者:Paul A.Borochin(University of Connecticut)
James E.Cicon(University of Central Missouri)
R. JaredDeLisle(Utah State University)
S. McKayPrice(Lehigh University)
The effects of conference call tones on market perceptions of value uncertainty
Paul A.Borochin(University of Connecticut); James E.Cicon(University of Central Missouri);R. JaredDeLisle(Utah State University);S. McKayPrice(Lehigh University)
Quarterly earnings conference calls convey fundamental information, as well as manager and analyst opinion about the firm. We examine how market uncertainty regarding firm valuation is affected by conference call tones. Using textual analysis of all publicly available earnings calls (2002–2012) for U.S. firms, we find measures of conference call tones are negatively related to measures of firm value uncertainty from the equity options market. Overall, while value uncertainty is more sensitive to analyst tones than manager tones, differences between analyst and manager tones are strongly associated with increases in value uncertainty. Tone spreads convey important signals to market participants.