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Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Volume 50, Issue 6 December 2015
作者:Gurdip Bakshi (University of Maryland, Smith School of Business)
Dilip Madan (University of Maryland, Smith School of Business, College Park)
George Panayotov(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, School of Business)
Heterogeneity in Beliefs and Volatility Tail Behavior
Gurdip Bakshi (University of Maryland, Smith School of Business)
Dilip Madan (University of Maryland, Smith School of Business, College Park)
George Panayotov(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, School of Business)
We propose a model of volatility tail behavior in which investors display aversion to both low-volatility and high-volatility states, and hence, the derived pricing kernel exhibits an increasing and decreasing region in the volatility dimension. The model features investors who have heterogeneity in beliefs about volatility outcomes and maximize their utility by choosing volatility-contingent cash flows. Our empirical examination suggests that the model is better suited to reproduce data features in the left tail of the volatility distribution, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
原文链接: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-financial-and-quantitative-analysis/article/heterogeneity-in-beliefs-and-volatility-tail-behavior/FD3FAAF277C103AC087643996F1126E8
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