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Financial Management · 11 May 2018
作者: Iván M. Rodríguez (Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI)
Krishnan Dandapani (Florida International University in Miami, FL)
Edward R. Lawrence (Florida International University in Miami, FL)
Measuring Sovereign Risk: Are CDS Spreads Better than Sovereign Credit Ratings?
Iván M. Rodríguez (Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI), Krishnan Dandapani (Florida International University in Miami, FL), Edward R. Lawrence (Florida International University in Miami, FL)
Using data for 54 countries over a 12-year period, we find that the variation in average sovereign ratings in a given year can be explained by average credit default swap (CDS) spreads over the previous three years. In a horse race between CDS spreads and sovereign ratings, we find that CDS spread changes can predict sovereign events, while rating changes cannot. The predictability of CDS spreads is greater when there is disagreement between Moody’s and the S&P for a country’s rating.
上一条:【JPM】对冲基金收益的持续性和费用感知投资组合构建 下一条:【RAS】收益可预测性和细分市场的实物期权价值