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Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 70, Issue4, 2014
作者:Clifford S. Asness ( AQR Capital Management),
Andrea Frazzini ( AQR Capital Management),
Lasse H. Pedersen ( New York University and AQR Capital Management)
Low-Risk Investing without Industry Bets
Clifford S. Asness ( AQR Capital Management), Andrea Frazzini ( AQR Capital Management), Lasse H. Pedersen ( New York University and AQR Capital Management)
The strategy of buying safe low-beta stocks while shorting (or underweighting) riskier high-beta stocks (“betting against beta”) has been shown to deliver significant risk-adjusted returns. Some have suggested, however, that such “low-risk investing” delivers high returns primarily because of industry bets that favor a slowly changing set of stodgy, stable industries. The authors refute this notion by showing that a strategy of betting against beta has delivered positive returns both as an industry-neutral bet within each industry and as a pure bet across industries.
上一条:【The Accounting Review 】中国封闭的金字塔式管理劳动力市场和股票价格崩盘风险 下一条:【JCF】世界各地的外国机构所有权和流动性共性