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Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 70, Issue3, 2014
作者:Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University)
摘要:7月22-25号在芝加哥举行的2013届CFA协会金融分析师研讨会中,莫林讨论了一种新的市场模式——现在交易变得更快,市场结构也发生了根本性的改变。当今市场,高频交易者(HFTs)采取行动处理低频交易者所揭示的信息(LFTs)。 为了生存,低频交易者必须避免被高频交易者的掠夺算法所检测到。通过采用适合高频交易世界的交易策略,低频交易可以蓬勃发展。
High-Frequency Trading and Its Impact on Markets
Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University)
At the 2013 CFA Institute Financial Analysts Seminar, held in Chicago on 22–25 July, Maureen O’Hara discussed a new market paradigm: Trading has become faster, and market structure has fundamentally changed. In today’s market, high-frequency traders (HFTs) act on information revealed by low-frequency traders (LFTs). To survive, LFTs must avoid being detected by predatory algorithms of HFTs. LFTs can thrive by adopting trading strategies appropriate to the high-frequency trading world.
上一条:【FM】预期盈利能力vs事后盈利能力——基于行业横截面收益 下一条:【The Accounting Review 】中国封闭的金字塔式管理劳动力市场和股票价格崩盘风险