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Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 70, Issue5, 2014
作者:Robert M. Anderson (University of California)
Stephen W. Bianchi(University of California)
Lisa R. Goldberg(University of California)
Determinants of Levered Portfolio Performance
Robert M. Anderson (University of California), Stephen W. Bianchi(University of California), Lisa R. Goldberg(University of California)
The cumulative return to a levered strategy is determined by five elements that fit together in a simple and useful formula. A previously undocumented element is the covariance between leverage and excess return to the fully invested source portfolio underlying the strategy. In an empirical study of volatility-targeting strategies over the 84-year period 1929–2013, this covariance accounted for a reduction in return that substantially diminished the Sharpe ratio in all cases.
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