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作者:JAE B.KIM (Lehigh University)
PERVIN SHROFF (University of Minnesota)
DUSHYANTKUMAR VYAS (University of Toronto)
REGINA WITTENBERG-MOERMAN(University of Southern California)
关键词: CDS市场,信用违约互换,CDS交易启动,银行监督,私人贷方监督,自愿披露,收益预测,管理预测
Credit Default Swaps and Managers’ Voluntary Disclosure
JAE B.KIM (Lehigh University), PERVIN SHROFF (University of Minnesota), DUSHYANTKUMAR VYAS (University of Toronto), REGINA WITTENBERG-MOERMAN(University of Southern California)
We investigate how the availability of traded credit default swaps (CDSs) affects the referenced firms’ voluntary disclosure choices. CDSs enable lenders to hedge their credit risk exposure, weakening their incentives to monitor borrowers. We predict that reduced lender monitoring in turn leads shareholders to intensify their monitoring and demand increased voluntary disclosure from managers. Consistent with this expectation, we find that managers are more likely to issue earnings forecasts and forecast more frequently when traded CDSs reference their firms. We further find a stronger impact of CDS availability on firm disclosure when (1) lenders have higher ability and propensity to hedge credit risk using CDSs, and (2) lender monitoring incentives and monitoring strength are weaker. Consistent with an increase in shareholder demand for public information disclosure induced by a reduction in lender monitoring, we find a stronger effect of CDSs on voluntary disclosure for firms with higher institutional ownership and stronger corporate governance. Overall, our findings suggest that firms with traded CDS contracts enhance their voluntary disclosure to offset the effect of reduced monitoring by CDS‐protected lenders. Keywords: CDS Market, Credit Default Swaps, CDS Trading Initiation, Bank Monitoring, Private Lender Monitoring, Voluntary Disclosures, Earnings Forecasts, Management Forecasts
上一条:【RFS】共同基金竞争,管理技能和Alpha持续性 下一条:【JFQA】横街面上股息率、股息增长率与股票收益率的可预测性