
[发布日期]:2018-05-02  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking and Finance ·Volume 89· APR 2018


作者:Luis Goncalves-Pinto (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Juan Sotes-Paladino (University of Melbourne, Department of Finance)

Jing Xu (Renmin University of China, School of Finance)



The invisible hand of internal markets in mutual fund families

Luis Goncalves-Pinto (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Juan Sotes-Paladino (University of Melbourne, Department of Finance) Jing Xu (Renmin University of China, School of Finance)


The internal markets of fund families can encourage member funds to deviate excessively from their investment mandates. Theoretically, we show that fund managers following sufficiently different style benchmarks can engage in risk-shifting by trading with one another at low cost inside their family. This benefits the managers and the family even in the absence of a family-level strategy. However, the excessive risks taken by the managers can be costly to fund investors. Empirically, we find support for the positive effect of intra-family style diversity on offsetting trades across funds and on deviations of funds’ portfolios from their benchmarks.

Keywords: Mutual fund families; Cross-trading; Benchmarking; Stock illiquidity




上一条:【JFQA】高频报价:买卖报价中的短期波动率 下一条:【CFR】对市场反应的有形和无形信息的再研究
