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Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 128, Issue 2·May 2018·Pages 207-233
作者:John Y. Campbell(Harvard University; NBER), Stefano Giglio(Yale School of Management), Christopher Polk(London School of Economics, Department of Finance), Robert Turley(Dodge and Cox)
An intertemporal CAPM with stochastic volatility
John Y. Campbell(Harvard University; NBER), Stefano Giglio(Yale School of Management), Christopher Polk(London School of Economics, Department of Finance), Robert Turley(Dodge and Cox)ABSTRACT
This paper studies the pricing of volatility risk using the first-order conditions of a long-term equity investor who is content to hold the aggregate equity market instead of overweighting value stocks and other equity portfolios that are attractive to short-term investors. We show that a conservative long-term investor will avoid such overweights to hedge against two types of deterioration in investment opportunities: declining expected stock returns and increasing volatility. We present novel evidence that low-frequency movements in equity volatility, tied to the default spread, are priced in the cross section of stock returns.
上一条:【JFQA】高频报价:买卖报价中的短期波动率 下一条:【JBF】了解噪音