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FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT·Volume 46, Issue 4·2017
作者:Mathieu Luypaert (Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium)
Tom Van Caneghem (KU Leuven and Universiteit Antwerpen, Brussels, Belgium)
Exploring the Double-Sided Effect of Information Asymmetry and Uncertainty in Mergers and Acquisitions
Mathieu Luypaert (Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium), Tom Van Caneghem (KU Leuven and Universiteit Antwerpen, Brussels, Belgium)
We examine the joint effect of bidder and target information asymmetry and uncertainty on the payment consideration and subsequent wealth effects in a large sample of acquisitions with both listed and private targets. In line with a risk-sharing argument, we find that acquisitions of targets characterized by higher uncertainty are more likely to be settled with stock. In contrast, higher target information asymmetry increases the likelihood of a cash payment, consistent with bidders strategically exploiting superior information. Acquirers of more opaque targets obtain a larger fraction of total acquisition gains and avoid sharing these gains with target shareholders by offering cash.
上一条:【The Accounting Review 】股东冲突和现金流冲击:来自ERISA养老金规则变化的证据 下一条:【FAJ】管理设计对基金投资组合集中度和绩效的影响