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Review of Finance, Volume 21, Issue 6, October 2017, Pages 2315–2352
作者:Juan Luo (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia), Limin Xu (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia),Ralf Zurbruegg (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia)
The Impact of Housing Wealth on Stock Liquidity
Juan Luo (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia), Limin Xu (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia),Ralf Zurbruegg (The University of Adelaide Business School, Australia)
We document a housing wealth effect on the stock liquidity of local firms. We first demonstrate that the heterogeneity of homeownership rates across geographical areas can explain variations in the impact that changes in house prices have on local stock liquidity. We then show, consistent with expectations that an increase in housing wealth leads to a reduction in household risk aversion, that the liquidity of lottery stocks and stocks dominated by individual investors rises. We also show that it promotes local liquidity commonality and reduces the proportion of firm-specific information revealed in stock returns.
上一条:【CAR】高质量的审计是抑制还是鼓励了对私人信息的收集? 下一条:【JFE】金融市场摩擦与多元化