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Journal of Banking and Finance ·Volume 85, Pages 83-98· DEC 2017
作者:Hongyan Fang(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) Zhihui Song(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
John R.Nofsinger(Accounting and Finance Department, College of Business & Public Policy, University of Alaska Anchorage)
Yuyue Wang(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Trading restrictions and firm dividends: The share lockup expiration experience in China
Hongyan Fang(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) Zhihui Song(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics) John R.Nofsinger(Accounting and Finance Department, College of Business & Public Policy, University of Alaska Anchorage) Yuyue Wang(School of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Chinese firms experienced a substantial reduction in nontradable shares following the Split-Share Structure Reform that began in 2005. The decrease in nontradable shares, or increase in share tradability, is associated with a decline in the firms’ cash dividend payouts. The positive association is attenuated in firms with fewer financial constraints, only weakly affected by firm governance, and not affected by investment opportunities or controlling shareholder type. The results highlight the fact that firms disgorge cash to compensate shareholders for trading restrictions and conclude that dividends persist when firms have easier access to external financing. These findings are robust to alternative definitions of nontradable shares, after controlling for firm fixed effects and omitted changing firm characteristics.
Keywords: Dividend payout, Split-share structure reform; Tradable shares
上一条:【JCF】员工的风险态度与企业的风险承担:来自养老金资产配置的证据 下一条:【RFS】缺乏灵活性和股票回报