
[发布日期]:2018-02-23  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 127, Issue 1·January 2018


作者:Stephen G.Dimmock(Nanyang Technological University)

William C.Gerken(University of Kentucky)

ZoranIvkovi?(Michigan State University)

Scott J.Weisbenner(University of Illinois)



Capital gains lock-in and governance choices

Stephen G.Dimmock(Nanyang Technological University), William C.Gerken(University of Kentucky), ZoranIvkovi?(Michigan State University), Scott J.Weisbenner(University of Illinois)


Differences in accrued gains and investors’ tax-sensitivity induce variation in a capital gains lock-in effect across mutual funds even for the same stock at the same time. Exploiting this variation, we show this effect influences funds’ governance decisions: higher capital gains decrease the likelihood a fund exits prior to contentious votes and increase the likelihood a fund votes against management. Consistent with tax motivation, these findings are concentrated among funds with tax-sensitive investors. Further, high aggregate capital gains across funds holding a stock predict a higher likelihood management loses a vote and a lower likelihood a contentious vote is proposed.

Keywords:Mutual fund, Proxy voting, Corporate governance, Capital-gains tax, Lock-in effect



上一条:【The Accounting Review 】股东冲突和现金流冲击:来自ERISA养老金规则变化的证据 下一条:【FAJ】管理设计对基金投资组合集中度和绩效的影响
