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Journal of Banking and Finance ·Volume 85· DEC 2017
作者:Leentje Moortgat(University of Antwerp)
Jan Annaert(University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School)
Marc Deloof(University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School)
Investor protection, taxation and dividend policy: Long-run evidence, 1838–2012
Leentje Moortgat(University of Antwerp) Jan Annaert(University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School) Marc Deloof(University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management School)
We investigate whether investor protection and taxation legislation affect dividend policy, using a unique sample of all Belgian firms listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange between 1838 and 2012. Investor protection was very weak in Belgium before World War I, but gradually improved over time. Dividend taxation was introduced only in 1920. While it is generally believed that investor protection and taxation affect dividend policy, we find that dividend policy has been remarkably stable over time, even after controlling for firm characteristics. Changes in investor protection and taxation legislation seem to have had little impact on dividend policy.
Keywords: Dividend policy, Investor protection, Dividend taxes, Belgium, Long-run evidence
上一条:【JCF】员工的风险态度与企业的风险承担:来自养老金资产配置的证据 下一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】台湾的产品市场竞争、并购类型及并购后的表现