
[发布日期]:2017-12-18  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 72, Issue 6, Fourth Quarter 2016


作者:C. Mitchell Conover (University of Richmond)

Gerald R. Jensen (Creighton University)

Marc W. Simpson (University of Toledo)


What Difference Do Dividends Make?

C. Mitchell Conover (University of Richmond), Gerald R. Jensen (Creighton University), Marc W. Simpson (University of Toledo)


We evaluate the investment benefits of dividend-paying stocks and identify three major findings. First, high-dividend payers have the least risk yet return over 1.5% more per year than do nondividend payers. Second, the benefit of targeting dividend payers is conditional on investment style. Surprisingly, the benefit is largest for growth and small-cap stocks, the stocks of companies usually thought to benefit the most from reinvesting their cash flows. Third, long–short managers exploiting the value premium should focus on non-dividend-paying stocks as non-dividend-paying small-cap value stocks return 1% more per month than do non-dividend-paying small-cap growth stocks.




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