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Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 72, Issue 5, 2016
作者:Christopher C. Geczy (University of Pennsylvania),
Mikhail Samonov (University of Pennsylvania)
Two Centuries of Price-Return Momentum
Christopher C. Geczy (University of Pennsylvania), Mikhail Samonov (University of Pennsylvania)
Having created a monthly dataset of US security prices between 1801 and 1926, we conduct out-of-sample tests of price-return momentum strategies that have been implemented in the post-1925 datasets. The additional time-series data strengthen the evidence that price momentum is dynamically exposed to market risk, conditional on the sign and duration of the trailing market state. On average, in the beginning of positive market states, momentum’s equity beta is opposite to the new market direction, which generates a negative contribution to momentum profits around market turning points. A dynamically hedged momentum strategy significantly outperforms the unhedged strategy.
上一条:【FAJ】分析师季度盈利预测分布的尾部信息 下一条:【JFE】机会主义作为一种公司管理特征:预测内幕交易的利润和不当行为