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Journal of Banking and Finance ·Volume 85, Pages 15-29· DEC 2017
作者:Bai Min(School of Accountancy, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics)Li Xiao-Ming(School of Economics and Finance (Albany), Massey University)Qin Yafeng(School of Economics and Finance (Albany), Massey University)
Shortability and asset pricing model: Evidence from the Hong Kong stock market
Bai Min(School of Accountancy, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics)Li Xiao-Ming(School of Economics and Finance (Albany), Massey University)Qin Yafeng(School of Economics and Finance (Albany), Massey University)
This study explores how the violation of free short selling assumption affects the performance of CAPM and the Fama-French three-factor model, as existing studies show that short-sales constraints affect asset pricing of the stocks. Using data from the Hong Kong Stock Market which has unique regulations on short selling, we conduct both time-series and cross-sectional regression analyses to evaluate the performance of the two models under the short-sales-constraints and the no-constraints market environment. The two models perform much worse in the former environment than in the latter, indicating a significant impact of the short sales constraints on the explanatory power of the models. We then augment the two models with a short ability-mimicking factor. Our results show that the factor has a significant power in explaining both time-series and cross-sectional variation in the size-B/M portfolio returns. The addition of the factor to the two models considerably increases their overall performance.
Keywords: Asset pricing models; Short-sales constraints; Shortability factor
上一条:【RFS】价格影响还是交易量: Amihud(2002)指标被定价的原因 下一条:【FAJ】分析师季度盈利预测分布的尾部信息