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FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT · Volume 46, Issue 3· 2017
作者:Hui Guo (University of Cincinnati), Sandra Mortal (University of Memphis), Robert Savickas (George Washington University), Robert Wood (University of Memphis)
Market Illiquidity and Conditional Equity Premium
Hui Guo (University of Cincinnati), Sandra Mortal (University of Memphis), Robert Savickas (George Washington University), Robert Wood (University of Memphis)
We examine the time-series relation between aggregate bid-ask spreads and conditional equity premium. We document that average marketwide relative effective bid-ask spreads forecast aggregate market returns only when controlling for average idiosyncratic variance. This control allows us to document the otherwise elusive relation between illiquidity and returns. The reason is that idiosyncratic variance correlates positively with spreads but has a negative effect on conditional equity premium, causing an omitted variable bias. Our results are robust to standard return predictors, alternative illiquidity measures, and out-of-sample tests. These findings are important because they provide strong support for the literature's conjecture that marketwide liquidity is an important asset pricing risk factor.
上一条:【RFS】错误定价因子 下一条:【Review of Finance】工人人均劳动时间的增长对未来股票收益、雇佣和盈利能力的影响