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Journal of Finance, Volume 72, Issue 5, October 2017
作者:Lars-Alexander Kuehn (Carnegie Mellon University), Mikhail Simutin (University of Toronto), Jessie Jiaxu Wang (Arizona State University)
A Labor Capital Asset Pricing Model
Lars-Alexander Kuehn (Carnegie Mellon University), Mikhail Simutin (University of Toronto), Jessie Jiaxu Wang (Arizona State University)
We show that labor search frictions are an important determinant of the cross-section of equity returns. Empirically, we find that firms with low loadings on labor market tightness outperform firms with high loadings by 6% annually. We propose a partial equilibrium labor market model in which heterogeneous firms make dynamic employment decisions under labor search frictions. In the model, loadings on labor market tightness proxy for priced time-variation in the efficiency of the aggregate matching technology. Firms with low loadings are more exposed to adverse matching efficiency shocks and require higher expected stock returns.
上一条:【JAR】乔布斯法案与上市成本 下一条:【CAR】高管性别不同导致的薪酬差距:女性风险厌恶和董事会代表的作用