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The Review of Asset Pricing Studies·Volume 7, Issue 1·1 June 2017
作者:Sheen Liu (Carson College of Business, Washington State University)
Chunchi Wu (School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo)
Repo Counterparty Risk and On-/Off-the-Run Treasury Spreads
Sheen Liu (Carson College of Business, Washington State University)
Chunchi Wu (School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo)
We propose a dynamic asset pricing model in which two assets with identical cash flows can trade at different prices not only because of differences in liquidity but counterparty risk. Counterparty risk reduces lenders or borrowers’ willingness to supply funds and collateral, incentives to shortsell and lend, and the likelihood for new bonds to be on special, thereby narrowing on-/off-the-run spreads and affecting asset prices in spot markets. Consistent with this prediction, we find that on-/off-the-run spreads are low when counterparty risk is high and this relationship is much stronger during the financial crisis.
原文链接: https://academic.oup.com/raps/article/7/1/81/2528244/Repo-Counterparty-Risk-and-On-Off-the-Run-Treasury
上一条:【JPM】IPO:从发行第三年开始 下一条:【CAR】分析师报道和达到或超过分析师预测的可能性