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Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 46, Part A, December 2017, Pages 57-77
作者:Le Zhang (UNSW Australia)
CEOs' early-life experiences and corporate policy: Evidence from China's great famine
Le Zhang (UNSW Australia)
We examine the style of famine CEOs (CEOs who experienced China's Great Famine) in their corporate policy. By exploiting the variation in famine intensity across provinces, we find that CEOs who experienced more intense famines during their childhood are more risk averse. They use less debt, hold more cash, and perform fewer takeovers. However, their takeovers perform better, and their stock returns are less volatile. Our findings support the view that early-life experience affects CEOs' risk preference.
上一条:【FM】劳工权利,风险投资和公司表现 下一条:【RF】相对乐观与本土偏好之谜