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Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 46, Part A, December 2017, Pages 41–56
作者:Xiao-Ming Li (Massey University, New Zealand)
New evidence on economic policy uncertainty and equity premium
Xiao-Ming Li (Massey University, New Zealand)
Motivated by well-documented observations that the Chinese equity market is dominated by risk-seeking speculators with a behavioural bias, we test the hypothesis that China's economic policy uncertainty (EPU) commands a positive equity premium. We find stocks with higher EPU betas earn higher average returns, and the EPU factor-mimicking portfolio earns significant abnormal returns. Loadings on the EPU factor positively forecast the cross-section of returns on various sets of portfolios or stocks, controlling for macroeconomic and stock market uncertainty factors, conventional risk factors, and firm characteristics. Our findings are complimentary to the recently reported US evidence of a negative premium.
Keywords: Asset pricing, equity premium; Government policy uncertainty; Misvaluation; China
上一条:【JF】社会资本、信任与企业绩效:金融危机中企业社会责任的价值 下一条:【JFQA】股利再投资计划与股利发放日效应