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Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 52, Issue 4 · August 2017
作者:Xin Chang (University of Cambridge、Nanyang Technological University)
Yangyang Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Leon Zolotoy (University of Melbourne)
Stock Liquidity and Stock Price Crash Risk
Xin Chang (University of Cambridge、Nanyang Technological University), Yangyang Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Leon Zolotoy (University of Melbourne)
We find that stock liquidity increases stock price crash risk. To identify the causal effect, we use the decimalization of stock trading as an exogenous shock to liquidity. This effect is increasing in a firm’s ownership by transient investors and nonblockholders. Liquid firms have a higher likelihood of future bad earnings news releases, which are accompanied by greater selling by transient investors, but not blockholders. Our results suggest that liquidity induces managers to withhold bad news, fearing that its disclosure will lead to selling by transient investors. Eventually, accumulated bad news is released all at once, causing a crash.
原文链接: http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=2&sid=f6725c72-a985-49fd-be6a-96c45741e235%40sessionmgr102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edb&AN=124642510
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