
[发布日期]:2017-08-31  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking & Finance · Vol.79 · JUNE 2017


作者:Daniel Haesen, Patrick Houweling, Jeroen van Zundert (Robeco Investment Research, Weena 850, 3014 DA Rotterdam, The Netherlands)



Momentum spillover from stocks to corporate bonds

Daniel Haesen, Patrick Houweling, Jeroen van Zundert (Robeco Investment Research, Weena 850, 3014 DA Rotterdam, The Netherlands)


We investigate and improve momentum spillover from stocks to corporate bonds, i.e. the phenomenon that past winners in the equity market are future winners in the corporate bond market. We find that a momentum spillover strategy exhibits strong structural and time-varying default risk exposures that cause a drag on the profitability of the strategy and lead to large drawdowns if the market cycle turns from a bear to a bull market. By ranking companies on their firm-specific equity return, instead of their total equity return, the default risk exposures halve, the Sharpe ratio doubles and the drawdowns are substantially reduced.

Keywords: Corporate bond, Spillover, Momentum, Time-varying risk, Residual return




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