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Journal of Financial Markets, Volume 33, March 2017, Pages 102-123
作者:Henk Berkman, Marco Eugster (Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Auckland Business School, Auckland, New Zealand )
Short on drugs: Short selling during the drug development process
Henk Berkman, Marco Eugster (Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Auckland Business School, Auckland, New Zealand )
Announcements related to the drug development process can have a profound impact on the market value of firms operating in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. We examine a large number of these events and document a strong negative relation between short selling during the days leading up to an event's announcement and the announcement return. Several additional tests indicate that insider information is a likely source for at least part of this profitable trading activity.
Keywords:Short selling; Drug development; FDA announcements; Insider trading; Private information
上一条:【FAJ】新闻vs情绪:从新闻报道中预测股票收益 下一条:【MS】公司融资决策与社交网络