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Journal of Banking & Finance · Available online 24·AUGUST 2017
作者:Jong-Min Oh(College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida)
Absorptive Capacity, Technology Spillovers, and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
Jong-Min Oh (College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida)
In the presence of potential technology spillovers, I demonstrate that a firm's absorptive capacity (AC), as proxied by R&D investments, is crucial to benefit from spillovers. I find that higher AC firms, when exposed to large potential spillovers, exhibit stronger future real outcomes (cite-weighted patents and operating performance) and market value. Importantly, however, this value-relevant information does not appear to be immediately incorporated into stock prices, leading to high future abnormal stock returns for firms with high AC and spillover exposure. Furthermore, the undervaluation is most pronounced among low investor attention stocks, suggesting that limited attention contributes to the undervaluation.
Keywords: Spillover, Innovation, R&D, Limited attention, Market efficiency
上一条:【JPM】传染性投资者情绪与国际市场 下一条:【RF】相对乐观与本土偏好之谜