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Review of Finance, Volume 21, Issue 2, 1 March 2017, Pages 761–791
作者:Romain Boulland (ESSEC Business School), Franc?ois Degeorge (Swiss Finance Institute, Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI)), Edith Ginglinger (Universite? Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University)
News Dissemination and Investor Attention
Romain Boulland (ESSEC Business School), Franc?ois Degeorge (Swiss Finance Institute, Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI)), Edith Ginglinger (Universite? Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University)
We examine how investor attention changes when a firm adopts a modern news dissemination technology. We find that after continental European firms begin using an English-language electronic wire service to disseminate company news, they exhibit a stronger initial reaction to earnings surprises, a lower post earnings announcement stock price drift, and an increase in abnormal trading volume near earnings announcements, compared with when they disseminated their news in non-electronic format and in a continental European language. Our results hold for a subsample of firms for which the decision to use a wire service was likely exogenous. The effect of wire services on investor attention is due to the format of news(electronic and English-language), not to the increased speed of news transmission..
原文链接: https://academic.oup.com/rof/article/21/2/761/2670063/News-Dissemination-and-Investor-Attention