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Journal of Banking & Finance· Volume 55, June 2015, Pages 170–186
作者:Xunan Feng(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China), Anders C. Johansson(Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)
Can mutual funds pick stocks in China? Evidence from the IPO market
Xunan Feng(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China), Anders C. Johansson(Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden)
This study examines the stock-picking ability of mutual funds in China using evidence from the IPO market. We hypothesize that the decision to invest in the IPO market contains positive information about a fund’s underlying expectation of newly listed firms’ future prospects. Using residuals from a model on the determinants of mutual funds purchases in the IPO market as proxy for consensus expectations, we find that IPO firms with high residual funds have significantly better stock returns and operating performance than those with low residual funds. In other words, residual funds can predict IPO future performance. These results are also robust to different specifications and alternative explanations such as mutual fund preferences or monitoring effects.
Keywords: Mutual funds; Stock picking ability; IPO; China
上一条:【JFM】机构持股与流动性风险 下一条:【RF】当你的足球队即将输掉比赛时,股票价格也会受到伤害