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作者:Paulo Maio
Cross-sectional return dispersion and the equity premium
Paulo Maio
Abstract: In this paper, I examine whether stock return dispersion (RD) provides useful information about future stock returns. RD consistently forecasts a decline in the excess market return at multiple horizons, and compares favorably with alternative predictors used in the literature. The out-of-sample performance of RD tends to beat the alternative predictors, and is economically significant as indicated by the certainty equivalent gain associated with a trading investment strategy. RD has greater forecasting power for big and growth stocks compared to small and value stocks, respectively. I discuss a theoretical mechanism giving rise to the negative correlation between RD and the equity premium.
Keywords: Asset pricing; Stock return dispersion; Cross-sectional variance of stock returns; Predictability of stock returns; Out-of-sample predictability
上一条:【RF】当地所有权,金融危机和资产价格:来自美国共同基金的证据 下一条:【FM】接近监管层与股价崩盘风险