
[发布日期]:2019-03-20  [浏览次数]:

AccountingReview, NOV 2018


作者:Bochkay,K (Univ Miami)

Chychyla,R (Univ Miami)

Sankaraguruswamy,S (Natl Univ Singapore)

Willenborg,M (Univ Connecticut)



ManagementDisclosures of Going Concern Uncertainties: The Case of Initial PublicOfferings

Bochkay, K (Univ Miami); Chychyla, R (Univ Miami);Sankaraguruswamy, S (Natl Univ Singapore); Willenborg, M (Univ Connecticut)


We study the information content and determinantsassociated with voluntary management disclosures of going concern (GC)uncertainties by IPO issuers. In terms of information content, we examine IPOprice revision and initial return and find robust support that management GCdisclosures are associated with downward revisions in the IPO offer price and,upon considering the mediating effects of the price revision, also associatedwith lower initial returns. In terms of determinants, and after controlling forother factors (e.g., issuer distress, start-up status, size, cash burn), wefind that the presence of a management GC disclosure is negatively associatedwith a proxy for issuer financial incentives to withhold "bad news'' andpositively associated with the extent of risk factors disclosure. Overall, ourresults provide support for the information content of voluntary managementdisclosures of GC uncertainties by IPO issuers, the presence of which isassociated with agency and risk motivations.

Keywords:Going concern management disclosures; Going concern auditopinions; Initial public offerings; Partial adjustment phenomenon; Pricerevision; Underpricing  




上一条:【JCF】机构投资者会影响公司投资吗?来自新兴市场的证据 下一条:【RAS】衡量市场对持续经营变化的反应:披露时机的重要性
