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[发布日期]:2017年10月20日  [浏览次数]:  [更新时间]:2025年02月24日
















Recursive Macroeconomic Theory 》、《Asset Pricing for Dynamic Economies》、《Foundations of International Macroeconomics》、《Stochastic Processes》、《Microeconomic Theory》、《Advanced International Trade》、《Economic Growth》、《金融学》、《互联网金融概论》、《Financial Derivatives》、《互联网金融平台》、《中央银行学》、《金融科技学》、《人工智能原理与应用》、《高级宏观经济学》


? Optimal monetary policy cooperation with a global shock and dollar standard (with Xiaoyong Cui, Liutang Gong, and Heng-fu Zou) Open Economies Review, R&R, the 2nd round.

? Currency misalignments, international trade in intermediate inputs, and inflation targeting (with Liutang Gong, Liyuan Wu, and Heng-fu Zou) Journal of International Money and Finance 134:102843(2023)

? Dynamic efficiency in an OLG model with the spirit of capitalism (with Yanzhao Liu, Liutang Gong, and Jianjian Liu) Annals of Economics and Finance 23-2:315-328 (2022) SSCI

? Unemployment, trade openness and optimal monetary policy (with Jianhua Feng, Liyuan Wu, and Dingsheng Zhang) Annals of Economics and Finance 22-1: 231-253 (2021) SSCI

? Optimal monetary policy in a model of vertical production and trade with reference currency (with Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou) The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 20(1): 1-21 (2020) SSCI

? Bank runs and business cycles in a small open economy (with Gang Yi) Annals of Economics and Finance 20-2: 847-865(2019) SSCI

? What inflation measure should a currency union target? (with William A. Barnett, Xue Wang, and Liyuan Wu ) Journal of Macroeconomics 59:123-139(2019) SSCI

? Optimal monetary and fiscal policy with durable goods (with Liutang Gong and Feng Shi ) Annals of Economics and Finance 19-2729-748(2018) SSCI

? Land-price dynamics and macroeconomic fluctuations with nonseparable preferences (with Liutang Gong, Fuyang Zhao, and Heng-fu Zou) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 83:149-161(2017) SSCI

? Optimal exchange-rate policy in a model of local-currency pricing with vertical production and trade (with Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou) Open Economies Review 28:125-147(2017) SSCI

? Optimal monetary policy with international trade in intermediate inputs (with Liutang Gong and Heng-fu Zou) Journal of International Money and Finance 65:140-165 (2016) SSCI

? Optimal monetary policy under a global dollar standard: the effect of vertical trade and production (with Heng-fu Zou) Open Economies Review 26: 121-137 (2015) SSCI

? On the efficiency of monetary and fiscal policy in open economies (with Heng-fu Zou) Annals of Economics and Finance 14-1, 179-206 (2013)SSCI

? Point Orthogonal Projection onto a Spatial Algebraic Curve (with Taixia Cheng, Zhinan Wu, and Xiaowu Li) Mathematics 317:8 1-23 (2020) SCI

? Sixteenth-order method for nonlinear equations (with Xiaowu Li Chunlai Mu, and Jinwen Ma) Applied Mathematics and Computation 215:3754-3758 (2010)SCI

? 美元本位下的央行间货币政策博弈与福利分析(与石峰、龚六堂合作)经济科学 已接收

? 人工智能、就业与货币政策目标(与吴立元、傅春杨、龚六堂合作)经济研究 159-772023

? 土地金融、房地产税与去杠杆(与刘建建、龚六堂合作)经济科学 11-18 2023

? 住房耐用品、土地市场分割与货币失踪之谜(与刘建建、赵扶扬、龚六堂合作)金融研究1121-392022

? 人民币国际流动性约束与货币政策选择(与石峰、龚六堂合作)经济学季刊 5125-1462022

? 美国货币政策溢出效应、中国资产价格波动与资本账户管理(与吴立元、赵扶扬、龚六堂合作)金融研究72021

? 全球失衡、重商主义与货币政策(与刘建建、吴立元、龚六堂合作)经济科学369-82 2021

? 耐用品、投资专有冲击与货币政策福利(与石峰合作)金融研究 51-162019

? 汇率传递异质性、中间品贸易与中国货币政策(与石峰、龚六堂合作)世界经济 41:25-48 (2018)

? 土地财政与中国经济波动(与赵扶扬、龚六堂合作)经济研究 1246-612017


? 《金融科技学》李建军 彭俞超 主编 高等教育出版社

? 《互联网金融》李建军 罗明雄 主编 高等教育出版社

? 《互联网金融概论》李建军 主编 国家开放大学出版社

? 《扩大中等收入群体与产业升级协调发展》周黎安 主编 科学出版社




? Annals of Economics and Finance, China Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, Economic Modelling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of International Money and Finance, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Open Economies Review, World Development, 经济研究、世界经济、经济学季刊、金融研究、经济学动态等。

? 波兰自然科学基金




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