
[发布日期]:2019-03-12  [浏览次数]:

Accounting Review, NOV 2018


作者:Fan Qintao (Univ Oregon, Lundquist Coll Business)

Li Wei (Univ Illinois, Gies Coll Business)



Leading indicator variables and managerial incentives in a dynamic agency setting

Fan Qintao (Univ Oregon, Lundquist Coll Business); Li Wei (Univ Illinois, Gies Coll Business)


This paper studies, in a dynamic agency setting, how incentives and contractual efficiency are affected by leading indicators of firms' future financial performance. In our two-period model, a leading indicator variable provides a noisy forecast of the uncertain return from the manager's long-term effort, and both contracting parties cannot refrain from renegotiating contract terms based on updated information. We find that the leading indicator can reduce the manager's long-term effort incentive, as it allows the firm owner to capture more of the resulting return through renegotiated wages (i.e., the manager is held up). By reducing the uncertainty about future aggregate cash flows, the leading indicator also exacerbates the ratchet effect and discourages the manager's short-term effort. In equilibrium, as the leading indicator becomes more accurate in forecasting future cash flows, the first-period contract attaches higher explicit weights to both the forward-looking leading indicator and backward-looking cash flow, and yet the manager may find it optimal to reduce both the short- and long-term efforts. We further show that with a more accurate leading indicator variable, the explicit incentive on the lagging cash flow may increase more than that on the leading indicator, and the equilibrium firm profit may decrease and diverge from the manager's equilibrium efforts.

Keywords: Leading indicator variables; Holdup problem; Ratchet effect




上一条:【AR】技术同行压力及产品披露 下一条:更新至2019-03-01-three_four_five_factor_yearly
