
[发布日期]:2019-03-12  [浏览次数]:

Accounting Review, NOVEMBER 2018


作者:Cao Sean Shun (Georgia State Univ)

Ma Guang (Natl Univ Singapore)

Tucker Jennifer Wu (Univ Florida)

Wan Chi (Univ Massachusetts)



Technological Peer Pressure and Product Disclosure

Cao Sean Shun (Georgia State Univ); Ma Guang (Natl Univ Singapore); Tucker Jennifer Wu (Univ Florida); Wan Chi (Univ Massachusetts)


We introduce a firm-specific measure of the technological aspect of competition-technological peer pressure-and examine firm-initiated product development-related press releases. We argue that empirical examinations of the theorized negative relation between competition and disclosure require the type of voluntary disclosure to be relevant to the dimension of competition under examination to ensure that firms incur significant proprietary costs of disclosure. In other words, many types of disclosure do not provide actionable information to competitors and, thus, should not be affected by that dimension of competition. We expect a negative relation between technological peer pressure and product disclosure because the latter reveals firms' strategies, allocations, and progress of technological investments in product development to competitors. In contrast, we do not expect a negative relation between technological peer pressure and management earnings forecasts-the most common type of voluntary disclosure used in accounting research. Our test results are consistent with these expectations.

Keywords: Competition; Proprietary costs; Voluntary disclosure; Technology




上一条:【JFM】极端绝对强度的股票和动量策略的表现 下一条:【AR】动态机构环境中先行指标变量和管理激励
