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The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2, December 2017
作者:Mehdi Beyhaghi (Department of Finance, University of Texas at San Antonio)
Sina Ehsani (Graham School of Management, Saint Xavier University)
The Cross-Section of Expected Returns in the Secondary Corporate Loan Market
Mehdi Beyhaghi (Department of Finance, University of Texas at San Antonio)
Sina Ehsani (Graham School of Management, Saint Xavier University)
Corporate loans increasingly have become an important part of portfolio management with the advent of a liquid and transparent secondary market. This paper examines the pricing of characteristics and betas in the cross-section of expected loan returns. Expected loan returns decrease with default beta. Default beta contains information not captured by rating or spread-to-maturity. Among loan characteristics, a 3-month formation momentum strategy earns a monthly premium of 122 bps. Momentum is prominent in loans issued by the lowest-rated borrowers.
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