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Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 46, December 2017
作者:Yuta Adachi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Motoki Masuda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
FumikoTakeda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Google search intensity and its relationship to the returns and liquidity of Japanese startup stocks
Yuta Adachi (University of Tokyo, Japan), Motoki Masuda (University of Tokyo, Japan), FumikoTakeda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
This study investigates the relationship between investor attention and stock price movements in Japan's startup stock exchanges, Mothers and JASDAQ. We find a positive relationship between search intensity and stock returns and between search intensity and liquidity. The positive correlation between search intensity and stock returns/liquidity tends to be larger for startup firms with a high proportion of individual shareholders. Contrary to prior studies that have reported a reversal after an immediate stock price increase, our results show the possibility that an immediate increase in stock returns of startup firms may not be neutralized in the long run.
上一条:【JFE】天使投资的全球化:跨国的证据 下一条:【JEF】非对称的投资者关注和波动的非对称性