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Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 127, Issue 1·January 2018
作者:Josh Lerner(Harvard Business School)
Antoinette Schoar(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Stanislav Sokolinski(Rutgers Business School)
Karen Wilson(OECD)
The globalization of angel investments: Evidence across countries
Josh Lerner(Harvard Business School), Antoinette Schoar(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Stanislav Sokolinski(Rutgers Business School), Karen Wilson(OECD)
This paper examines the role of investments by angel groups across a heterogeneous set of 21 countries with varying entrepreneurship ecosystems. Exploiting quasi-random assignment of deals around the groups’ funding thresholds, we find a positive impact of funding on firm growth, performance, survival, and follow-on fundraising, which is independent of the level of venture activity and entrepreneur-friendliness in the country. However, the maturity of startups that apply for funding (and are ultimately funded) inversely correlates with the entrepreneurship-friendliness of the country. This may reflect self-censoring by early-stage firms that do not expect to receive funding in these environments.
Keywords:Contracts, Entrepreneurial finance, Venture capital
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