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REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhx057·Published: 10 July 2017
作者:Mariassunta Giannetti(Stockholm School of Economics, CEPR, and ECGI), Bige Kahraman(Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford)
Open-End Organizational Structures and Limits to Arbitrage
Mariassunta Giannetti(Stockholm School of Economics, CEPR, and ECGI), Bige Kahraman(Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford)
We provide evidence that open-end organizational structures undermine incentives for asset managers to attack long-term mispricing. We compare open-end funds with closed-end funds. Closed-end funds purchase more underpriced stocks than do open-end funds, especially if the stocks involve high arbitrage risk. We then show that hedge funds with highshare restrictions having a lower degree of open-endedness also trade against long-term mispricing to a larger extentthan do other hedge funds. Our analysis suggests that open-end organizational structures are not conducive to long-term risky arbitrage.
上一条:【JBF】从股票到公司债券的动量溢出 下一条:【AR】CEO继任和继任计划会影响利益相关者对财务报告风险的看法吗?来自审计费用的证据