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[发布日期]:2017-02-28  [浏览次数]:

顾弦:Creditor rights and the corporate bond market

顾弦,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分金融学助理教授。毕业于北京师范大学,美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士后与访问博士生,研究领域为实证公司金融、银行与监管。其研究论文曾发表于Journal of Banking and Finance等期刊与Oxford Handbook of Banking 等论文集,或入选AEA(美国经济学会年会)、FMA(美国金融管理学会年会)等国际学术会议。曾在芬兰中央银行等机构担任访问研究员。2011-2013年曾供职于中信证券研究部。

论文题目:Creditor rights and the corporate bond market

作者:Gu Xian,Oskar Kowalewski

刊物:Journal of International Money and Finance



到目前为止,文献对股权市场发展的研究更多,而对债券市场发展决定因素的研究较少。根据Tendulkar和Hancock(2014),公司债市场发展自从2000年以来翻了三倍,而Levine等(2016)“备胎理论”(Spare Tire View)又提出,除了银行融资以外,如果一国的法律结构能够允许资本市场为公司提供替代性的融资机制,那么金融危机的破坏性将被大大降低。我们的研究填补了关于法律对金融体系,尤其是公司债市场发展的空白;文章还采用了带有双差分估计量的自然实验,来检验金融改革对法律与资本市场结构关系的影响。


This study examines whether investor protection affects capital markets, specifically the development of corporate bond markets versus equity markets. Using a dataset of 42 countries, we show that countries with strong creditor rights have more developed corporate bond markets than equity markets. However, we find only weak evidence that countries with stronger shareholder protection have more developed equity markets than corporate bond markets. Additionally, we find that the effect of financial reforms on capital markets is strongly dependent on the strength of investor protection and on the associated information disclosure in a given country.

Keywords: Corporate bond market; Equity market; Investor protection; Financial reform; Information disclosure; Crisis

黄瑜琴:Local bias in investor attention: Evidence from China's Internet Stock Message Boards


黄瑜琴,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分副教授,中国人民大学经济学院学士,香港大学经济皇冠足球比分金融学博士。主要研究方向包括有限关注与资本市场、波动率市场,IPO,,她曾在《Journal of Empirical Finance》,《Journal of futures markets》,《管理世界》,《金融研究》发表学术文章,先后获得自然科学基金青年项目及面上项目资助,工作论文入选2016美国金融年会(AFA),2008、2011、2016年金融管理协会年会(FMA)等一流国际学术会议。

论文题目:Local bias in investor attention: Evidence from China's Internet Stock Message Boards

作者:Huang Yuqin, Qiu Huiyan, Wu Zhiguo

刊登期刊:Journal of Empirical Finance





In contrast to studies that focus on investment accounts, this study examines local bias in investor attention by analyzing messages posted by investors on China's Internet stock message boards. We find that individual investors pay more attention to stocks of local companies than to those of nonlocal companies. Local bias is particularly strong in underdeveloped regions, toward large, non-CSI 300, and low-turnover stocks and toward stocks with names that indicate their localities. The marginal effect of local bias is also considerably strong for distances within 500km.


Local bias; Limited attention; Internet stock message boards

姜富伟:Chinese stock market volatility and the role of U.S. economic variables

姜富伟,现任中央财经大学皇冠足球比分副教授,硕士生导师,资产管理研究中心研究,FRM。新加坡管理大学金融学博士,厦门大学金融学硕士。主要研究方向包括行为金融,资产定价,收益预测,市场异象,投资管理等。主要讲授课程包括实证金融方法,金融市场与机构,资本市场,金融研究专题,博士论文写作等。曾在Review of Financial Studies,Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,Emerging Market Finance and Trade,《金融研究》,《经济学动态》等重要期刊发表多篇学术论文。曾获得中国金融评论国际研讨会Emerald优秀论文奖、《金融研究》优秀论文三等奖、全美华人金融协会最佳论文奖等学术奖项。曾在中国金融国际年会、财务管理协会年会、亚洲金融协会年会、Q-Group论坛、澳大利亚金融与银行年会、中国金融年会、芬兰中央银行、清华大学、北京大学、人民大学、浙江大学、中山大学、厦门大学等宣讲论文。

论文题目:Chinese stock market volatility and the role of U.S. economic variables

作者:Chen Jian,Jiang Fuwei, Li Hongyi, Xu Weidong

刊登期刊:Pacific-Basin Finance Journal


股市波动率预测与建模对很多重要的金融实务比如风险管理、资产定价和投资组合优化等都有重要的意义。现有文献提出了众多预测波动率的方法或变量。理论上Corradi et al. (2013) 等证明宏观经济周期可以影响和预测本国股市波动,而Christiansen et al. (2012), Paye (2012),和Engle et al. (2013)等提出一些基于美国股市波动的实证证据。




This paper investigates the effects of U.S. economic variables on the time variation of Chinese stock market volatility. We find that U.S. economic variables such as the dividend price ratio, dividend yield and industrial production strongly forecast the future monthly volatilities of the Chinese stock market. The predictability is statistically and economically significant and can be further improved when combining the information in all U.S. economic variables together. Forecast encompassing tests and regression tests show that the forecasting power of U.S. economic variables is incremental when comparing with the Chinese domestic economic variables. Our findings are robust for the out-of-sample analysis and a number of Chinese industry portfolios volatilities.


Volatility forecasting; U.S. economic variables; Out-of-sample forecasting; Combination forecast; Chinese stock market

吴偎立:Fat-Finger Trade and Market Quality: The First Evidence From China

吴偎立,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分应用金融系讲师。2015年毕业于北京大学光华管理学院金融系,师从刘力教授,获经济学博士学位。主要研究领域:资产定价、公司金融、资产定价与道德风险的混合模型。曾在Journal of economic theory、Journal of Futures Markets、《经济学(季刊)》、《金融研究》上发表论文多篇。

论文题目:Fat-Finger Trade and Market Quality: The First Evidence From China

作者:Ming Gao, Yu-Jane Liu,Weili Wu

刊物:Journal of Futures Markets








More trading is algorithmic or computer generated, and in markets where it is allowed, high frequency. However, what happens when there is an algorithmic trading error? This study attempts to answer that question by examining the August 16, 2013, fat-finger trade in Chinese equity and equity futures markets. We find that both markets were excessively volatile, illiquid, and positively skewed. Moreover, we document that index returns are predictable for a short time, indicating that the fat-finger event induced an inefficient market. Our results highlight the importance of market surveillance and regulation to lessen the damage of future fat-finger events.

尹力博:Predicting the oil prices: Do technical indicators help

尹力博,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分副教授,管理学博士。2013年毕业于北京航空航天大学经济管理学院。主持并参与国家和省部级基金项目9项,在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》、Quantitative Finance、Journal of Futures Markets、Energy Economics等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。

论文题目:Predicting the oil prices: Do technical indicators help

作者:Yin Libo,Yang Qingyuan

刊物:Energy Economics


Given that crude oil price is one of the key variables in affecting macroeconomic aggregates, the forecasting of crude oil prices has become the focus of many economists and decision makers. It is therefore of importance to explore whether oil prices can be predicted, and, if so, by which variables. Numerous economic variables have been explored. One stream of academic studies relies extensively on macroeconomic variables. However, some controversies concerning the predictive power of macroeconomic variables remain, suggesting the predicative ability of macroeconomic variables behaves inconsistently.

Therefore, the lack of consistent out-of-sample evidence indicates the need for improved forecasting variables to better establish the empirical reliability of oil returns predictability. The aim of this paper is to propose a new leading indicator, namely, technical indicators which are useful to forecast oil prices instead. The predicative power of technical indicators has been widely confirmed in traditional financial market. However, relatively little empirical work has been undertaken on the predictability of oil prices by means of technical indicators.

This paper contributes to the literature in four aspects. Firstly, our study complements existing studies of oil price prediction ability which ignore technical indicators by confirming that technical indicators manage to forecast oil prices. We explore both in-sample and out-of-sample predictability for oil prices over the 30-year period 1984-2013, as well as evidence across recessions and expansions. Except for OLS regressions, we replenish some alternative model specifications, the results of which are also significant, ensuring the robustness of technical indicators’ predictive capacity. Moreover, we perform rigorous analysis of the economic value of technical indicators, filling the gaps of existing studies that ignore the theoretical explanation behind the empirical evidence. Secondly, our analysis allows new insights into the genesis of oil market efficiency. Our paper doubts the existence of at least weak-form market efficiency in oil markets and highlights the need to constantly revisit the statements about the efficiency of the rapidly growing oil markets. Thirdly, this study helps to complement the existing literature by providing evidence for the financialization of oil market. We compare the exposure of macroeconomic fundamentals and financial traders affecting the oil price. If the predictive effects of technical indicators outperform the effects of macroeconomic factors, we therefore fail to find systematic evidence of the relationship between macroeconomic fundamentals and the level of oil prices statistically or economically. Furthermore, we find that the information founding in technical indicators appears useful for predicting oil prices is related in part to changes in investors’ sentiment, particularly during recessions. This result may also shed light on the positive evidence for the financialization of commodity. Finally, we show that technical indicators can fit flexible data frequency and sample period. The oil price forecast based on technical indicators can utilize relatively high-frequency (weekly or daily) data, while existing variables are only useful in detecting relationships in low-frequency data (monthly). Thus, technical indicators can help to make these complement. In addition, for the inconsistent forecasts of macro variables referred previously, technical indicators perform well significantly in different sample periods for out-of-sample forecasts.


This paper aims to investigate the predictability of technical indicators to directly forecast oil prices and compare their performances with macroeconomic variables. We find that technical indicators do exhibit statistically and economically significant in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting power under OLS regressions and forecast combinations, clearly exceeding that of well-known macroeconomic variables and state-of-the-art oil-macro forecasting variables. Moreover, the strength of the predictive evidence is substantial during recessions and expansions and can detect the typical decline in the oil returns near business-cycle peaks effectively. Furthermore, technical indicators reveal substantial economic value for investors, in terms of superior oil risk premium forecasts and sizable utility gains. The technical indicators' ability to predict the oil price stems in part from its ability to predict changes in sentiment, suggesting the financialization of oil markets.

Keywords: Oil price predictability; Technical indicators; Macroeconomic variables; Out-of-sample forecasts; Business cycle;

魏旭:SOE preference and credit misallocation: A model and some evidence from China

魏旭,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分副教授,北京大学金融学博士,主要研究方向为公司金融理论、行为金融理论和金融监管理论。他的研究成果曾在Journal of Banking & Finance,Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory,Economics Letters,《经济学(季刊)》等国际和国内刊物发表,并主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。

论文题目:SOE preference and credit misallocation: A model and some evidence from China

作者:Wei Xu, Chen Yongwei,Zhou Mohan,Zhou Yi

刊物:Economics Letters




We endogenize credit misallocation by introducing the government’s preference. The local government determines the credit subsidy to SOEs after a trade-off between SOEs’ profits and local aggregate outputs. Credit misallocation is more severe in regions where SOE share is high.

Keywords: State-owned enterprises; Credit misallocation; Local government; China;

周德清:Public disclosure, information leakage, and strategic trading


周德清,中央财经大学皇冠足球比分副教授。毕业于中科院数学与系统科学研究院,研究方向为市场微观结构,行为金融学,博弈论,随机过程的统计推断。以独立作者发表SSCI 5篇,其中,3篇 《Economics Letters》,1篇《Economic Modelling》1篇《International Review of Economics and Finance》. 主持编撰专著4本,2本已出版,2本正在出版。

论文题目:Public disclosure, information leakage, and strategic trading

作者:Zhou Deqing

刊登期刊:Economic letters


信息公开法案要求参与股票交易的内部人(CEO等高管或者持有超过5%公司股票份额的股东)公开他们的交易情况。那么这样做这是否可以杜绝内幕交易? 当内部人的私有信息在市场公告前存在泄露的可能性时,内部人的交易策略会发生什么变化?市场流动性,市场价格的有效性如何变化?

周德清发表于国际经济学期刊《Economics Letters》的论文《信息公开,信息泄露和策略性交易》(Zhou, D. (2016). Public disclosure, information leakage, and strategic trading)回答了以上问题。首先,信息公开法案可抑制但无法杜绝内幕交易,内部人通过在交易中加入合适的噪声交易可以成功掩饰交易目的,从而获取与私有信息重要性成正比的期望收益。另一方面,信息泄露时有发生,比如主动泄露途径有闲聊,报告,文章,被动泄露途径有:被商业间谍侦查或者被上公司提前披露信息。这种可能性会促使内部人抓紧时间使用私有信息从而打乱内部人缓慢使用信息的如意算盘。此外,信息泄露的可能性会增加市场流动性,增强市场价格的有效性。哪怕信息泄露不会发生,只要这种可能性是存在的,这些效果就会存在。



Abstract Based on Huddart et al. (2001)’s model, this work shows that the insider injects less noise into the mixed strategy and exploits the information advantage faster when there’s a risk of information leakage.

上一条:2016年发表于国内顶尖期刊论文汇萃 下一条:中国世界经济学会2017年年会征文通知
